National Cancer Network in the Republic of Bulgaria. The abbreviation SONM is an old Bulgarian word meaning both a human multitude and a gathering of gods (pantheon).
The legal format of BJCN is a non-governmental non-profit association with activities for the public benefit. In social terms, it is an open cluster organization, functioning as an ecosystem of medical and non-medical societies with a wide range of multidisciplinary interdependencies in the field of oncology.
The main goals of BJCN are synergy in the expert functions of individual medical societies in Bulgaria dealing with fundamental and/or clinical oncology; optimizing cooperation between branch societies and the “triangle” of social knowledge (universities, industry, government); initiating and developing innovations for oncological care in Bulgaria, including screening and prevention, diagnosis and treatment, psychosocial support and quality of life and digitalization.
BJCN works through network synergy, differentiated into cluster sectors and respective coordination groups, adhering to three principles: (i) multiplication of cluster interactions, (ii) exchange of mutual benefits and (iii) positive external cluster effect.