BJCN Membership
Membership in BJCN is voluntary. Members can be legal entities and individuals who share the goals of the association and the means to achieve them, comply with its statutes and regularly pay their membership fees.
- Enjoy all rights as described in BJCN’s statute
- Opportunity to create/participate in professional discussions and projects of BJCN
- Access to financial benefits for participation in training events and scientific activities organized by BJCN
- Inclusion of a profile and contacts on BJCN’s website
Any legal entity/individual wishing to become a member of the BJCN must complete and submit a Membership Application. Before completing it, the applicant must check whether he meets the relevant membership requirements and whether he agrees to abide by the rules set out in the BJCN Statute.
If the applicant is a legal entity (association), it must hold and record a meeting of its management board or general meeting (according to the body competent to make a decision under the statute), which will decide on applying for membership in BJCN. Additionally, the minutes must indicate the name of the person whom the meeting authorizes and empowers to represent the association in the bodies of BJCN, to take all necessary legal and factual actions on its behalf, as well as to sign and receive all necessary documents (protocols, applications, statements, etc.).
A scanned copy of the signed meeting minutes must be sent to the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Joint Cancer Network at
The original of the meeting minutes must be sent to the following postal address:
Bulgarian Joint Cancer Network
ул. „Acad. Andrey Sakharov“ 15, building 1, entrance А, floor 3, atelier 19
9000 Varna, Bulgaria
The application for membership is assessed for admissibility by the Chairman of the Board of BJCN, who recommends the candidacy to a meeting of the board no later than 6 months from the date of its receipt. The meeting of the board decides on the admission of members by a simple majority. The applicant or the authorized representative of the applicant association is informed by a written message from BJCN within the next two weeks after the vote; if the application is accepted, a request for an entrance fee will be sent to the new member.
- Initial membership fee – a single fee, payable after approval of the membership application by a meeting of the Board of Directors of the BJCN. When accepting a member in the first half of the year, the entire introductory membership fee is paid, and when accepting in the second half of the year – 50% of the stipulated amount. The introductory membership fee should be paid within one month of the acceptance of the relevant person as a member of the BJCN.
- Annual membership fee – a regular fee, payable each year. The annual fee must be paid no later than March 31 of the respective calendar year. Upon admission of a new member, the annual membership fee must be paid within one month from the date of acceptance of the respective person as a member of the BJCN.
Membership fee | Member category | Amount in BGN |
Initial fee | Individual | 100 |
Association (up to 20 members) | 200 | |
Association (up to 100 members) | 300 | |
Association (over 100 members) | 500 | |
Annual fee | Individual | 60 |
Association (any) | 300 |
IBAN Code: BG43UBBS80021031330450
Account Name: СОНМ
Bank name: United Bulgarian Bank AD
Bank address: blvd. „8-mi Primorski Polk“ № 77, 9000 Varna
Reason for transfer:
Candidate’s/member’s full name and the year for which the membership fee is being paid
It is recommended that after a bank transfer a copy of the transaction is sent to